On March 15th, the reporter learned from the Xi'an Development and Reform Commission: From March 16th, Xi'an implemented a natural gas price reform to adjust the sales price of natural gas.
The reform adjusted the price of classified gas distribution. Resident gas distribution price was adjusted from 0.49 yuan per cubic meter to 0.52 yuan per cubic meter; non-resident gas distribution price was adjusted from 0.754 yuan per cubic meter to 0.704 yuan per cubic meter. The first-order sales price of residential natural gas was adjusted from 1.98 yuan per cubic meter to 2.07 yuan per cubic meter. The natural gas price includes the residents' 10-year expired gas meter replacement fee. In the future, gas companies will not charge users for replacing the 10-year expired gas meter. If the unexpired gas meter fails, it will no longer be charged for replacement or repair. No fees.
Non-resident users who implement residential gas prices, including schools, kindergartens, elderly welfare institutions, urban community neighborhood committees, community-owned boiler heating, municipal centralized heating, do not implement residential ladder gas prices, and the gas prices are based on the first-tier terminal price Add 0.02 yuan per cubic meter, the standard is 2.09 yuan per cubic meter. The residential gas price settlement cycle is still in annual units, and the settlement cycle starts from January 1 to December 31 each year.
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